March 24 Philippians 3:9 


March 24 Philippians 3:9 


“…and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.” — Philippians 3:9 (ESV)


Devotional Reflection:

There is a deep peace in knowing we don’t have to prove ourselves to God.

Paul, once a zealous Pharisee with a flawless religious record, came to understand that all his striving could never make him truly righteous. What mattered most was being found in Christ—wrapped not in self-earned merit, but in a righteousness that comes from God through faith.

This is the heart of the gospel. Our relationship with God isn’t based on what we’ve done, but on whom we trust. It’s not our religious performance that saves us, but Christ’s perfect work on our behalf.

In a world that measures worth by achievements and appearances, Philippians 3:9 offers a radically freeing truth: you don’t have to earn God’s love. You simply receive it, by faith. When we are “found in Him,” our identity is no longer shaped by failure or even success, but by the grace and righteousness of Christ.

His righteousness covers us like a warm cloak on a cold night—complete, sufficient, and deeply personal.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Am I trying to earn God’s approval through my own efforts?
  2. What would it look like today to rest in the righteousness of Christ?
  3. How can I help others discover the freedom of being “found in Him”?

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