March 25 Psalm 23:4
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
This verse marks a powerful shift in Psalm 23—from talking about God to talking to God. Earlier verses describe the Lord in the third person (“He leads me… He restores my soul”), but here, in the valley, the psalmist says, “You are with me.”
Suffering often strips away the distance between theology and relationship. In the light, we may speak of God’s goodness; in the shadows, we speak to Him directly. The valley of the shadow of death is not necessarily literal death—it can be any place of deep fear, loss, grief, or vulnerability. And yet, even in that place, the psalmist affirms, “I will fear no evil.” Not because the valley isn’t real, but because God’s presence is more real.
The rod and staff—tools of the shepherd—offer comfort not just as symbols of protection and guidance, but as tangible signs that the Shepherd is active, attentive, and near. The rod defends; the staff draws the sheep close. Together, they reassure the soul that it is not abandoned.
This verse reminds us that we are not promised the absence of dark valleys, but we are promised the presence of God within them. And that presence is enough to drive out fear.
I have read or recited this Psalm more times than can be counted. However, I must admit this the first time I have noticed the shift to direct address to the Lord. It will go into my brain as one of the verses called “I didn’t know that was in there.
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