March 3 Romans 6:14  



March 3 Romans 6:14  

For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

This verse is a key statement in Paul’s argument about the believer’s new relationship with sin, the law, and grace. Here are the main themes:

  1. Freedom from the Power of Sin  Paul declares that sin will not rule over believers. This does not mean that Christians are incapable of sinning, but that sin no longer holds mastery over them. This aligns with the broader teaching in Romans 6 that believers, having been baptized into Christ’s death, have died to sin and now live in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4).

2. Not Under Law, But Under Grace  This phrase does not mean that the moral law is abolished but that believers are no longer under the law as a system of justification or condemnation. The law, by itself, could only reveal sin and condemn, but grace empowers believers to live righteously. The contrast is between the Mosaic Law, which exposes sin, and the grace of Christ, which enables victory over sin.

3. Grace as Empowerment, Not License   Some might misinterpret this verse as an excuse for antinomianism (the idea that moral laws don’t apply to Christians). However, Paul immediately refutes this in the next verse (Romans 6:15), making it clear that grace does not permit sin but rather liberates from its bondage.


This verse reassures believers that, in Christ, sin is no longer their master. Through grace, they are empowered to live righteously.

It highlights the transformative nature of grace, which not only forgives sin but also enables a new way of living.

It invites believers to embrace their identity in Christ, recognizing that their relationship with God is based on grace rather than legalistic rule-keeping.

Thank God this is true because over time it becomes clear that we have ever more subtle ways of being self centered, prideful, and more. Even the Saints have shared this struggle. However, each new awareness of these subtle sins also is an occasion for gratitude for Grace and continues pursuite of Christ likeness.

How have you found this to be true in your life?

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