MBTI Extended ENTJ Profile

MBTI Extended ENTJ Profile

ENTJ stands for extroverted intuitive thinking judging.  The Competence portion of the Work mode for the ENTJ is the transactional role of Analyst.  Its corresponding ministry role is Preacher of Salvation.


The Analyst finds logic in structures.  He takes information that consists of structured data and logically processes them into structured concepts.  This role is acted out in the professions of applied science, math and physics.  It is also helpful in medicine for diagnosis, and a role useful to lawyers.  This is the most sophisticated of the roles, involving the most intricate of the mental capacities.


If you take a moment to reflect, you will recall that most Salvation Preachers have developed some kind of systematized understanding of conversion.  It may seem like an event, a flash in time, or it may be viewed as taking a long time.  Either way, the Preacher will have some kind of sequential understanding. Even the simple statement of Justin Martyr reflects an analysis of salvation. “He became as we are, so that we might become as He is.  ” The Preacher of Salvation has analyzed God’s plan for the universe and wants to proclaim it to anyone who will listen.  They might use Four Spiritual Laws or a twelve-point scale of readiness for evangelism.  They use an emotional build up to an altar call or a one on one method of friendship evangelism.

The Talent portion of the ENTJ personality type is the transactional role of Suspector.  The parallel ministry role is Minister in Spiritual Gifts.


The Suspector is trying to find a strategy or logic behind a given pattern.  The detective is the obvious example.  He or she searches the data until a pattern of clues is discovered.  Then the task becomes one of developing a strategy to link the pattern to the suspect.  The Suspector formulates a plan from an observed collection of data.  So a football coach might be a good Suspector.  He scouts the opposing team to detect their weak points and then plans a strategy to defeat them.




In this category, I am speaking of the nine-fold gifts of the Spirit (What we have discussed as the power to say, know, and do).  This ministry role is connected to the capacity of Suspector, as it takes a bit of detective work to know which gift to use in any given situation.  Also the Suspector role is strongly influenced by the intuitive function.  It is dependent upon inspiration.  We call it faith!

An ENTJ might be an advocate of Power Evangelism.  This view of sharing the Gospel expects the Holy Spirit to provide power encounters through the exercise of spiritual gifts.  These encounters then provide opportunities to give the message of salvation.  Once a word of knowledge has gotten the attention of a potential convert, the preacher of salvation can say the Holy Spirit is pointing you to Jesus. etc.  The ENTJ, using the Suspector and Analyst roles, can do this with talent and competence.

The Play mode for the ENTJ has the transactional role of Verbalist in its Perseverance position.  Worship Leader is the corresponding ministry role.


The Verbalist has the ability to be articulate.  He knows how to say the right thing and say it well.  This is the capacity of the orator, the preacher, the lecturer, actor and diplomat.  The focus is not so much on what is said, but how.  It is the capacity of people who would rather speak than listen.


Words are important.  It is the Worship Leader who pronounces them.  This is most obviously the case for the Preacher.  It is equally true when reading prayers or speaking them extemporaneously.  The Worship Leader leads the congregation.  He speaks to God for them and speaks to them for God.  It is an awesome responsibility and takes the capacity of a good Verbalist to do it.

Observe how the Play and Work modes go together in for this type.  Return to our example of the ENTJ evangelist in the midst of a power encounter.  The Ministry in Spiritual Gifts role moves with talent into the encounter.  The Preacher of Salvation present the Gospel message.  The Perseverance portion of the Play mode steps in with just the right words to convey the message.

The Relax position of the Play mode is Perceiver.  The parallel Ministry Role is Spiritual Warrior.


The Perceiver notices harmonies and makes intuitive guesses regarding what is behind these harmonies.  The reverse is also true.  They make guesses about disharmony as well.  Data comes from remote input, the sixth sense and smell.  It is often difficult to know just how a Perceiver knows.  The accuracy of their observations is confirmation.  Professionally, one finds Perceivers in a variety of fields.  People oriented professions, however, predominate: counseling, teaching, social work, and the ministry.



The Spiritual Warrior uses the perceiving role to see into the spiritual realm.  It takes this special kind of perception to be aware of powers and principalities.

Let us return to our example of the ENTJ in the midst of a power encounter.  The power encounter is often a point of contact for the conflict between the power of evil and the power of God.  In other words, it is spiritual warfare.  One special asset in the midst of spiritual warfare is the ability to remain calm under fire.  Evil seems to gain power from our negative energy of anxiety and fear.  Therefore an ENTJ operating from the Relax position of the Play mode is a particularly effective Spiritual Warrior.

The Challenge mode of the ENTJ has in its Toil position the transactional role of Organizer.  The corresponding ministry role is Social Justice Program Developer.


The Organizer is as interested in how things are done, as he or she is in the results.  Neatness, order and efficiency are important.  They are the world’s great systematizers.  They make good secretaries and craftsmen.  They are programmers and administrators.  They accept responsibility and follow through with painstaking and thorough effort.  They are the guardians of time-honored institutions.


The Social Justice Program Developer is aware of the inequities in society and seeks to address them.  They put their organizational skills together with their concern for what is right.

The ENTJ may feel called from time to time to get a bit more organized in his or her approach to preaching.  Perhaps they will realize that a systematized file of their best sermons is a good thing to create.  They can accomplish this project, but it will be arduous and seem much more like work than the roles of their Work mode.  The ministry role of Social Justice Program Developer may come to bear for this type through a series of preaching crusades held in the midst of a city slum.

The Serendipity position of the ENTJ’s Challenge mode has the transactional role of Molder and the Ministry Role of Make the Church be Jesus.


The most obvious professions for a Molder is that of sculptor, carpenter or other craftsmen.  However, they might also have less concrete occupations.  They might mold facts and institutions, instead of clay or wood.


In the church, Molders might indeed be craftsmen and artisans.  However, they will also be concerned that the church as an institution acts,  as they think Jesus would act.  They will do what they can to tinker with the structure of the institution, to shape it so that it can respond to its members and society in what they consider to be a more Christ like manner.  This may vary, depending on their theological background and interest.  However, they will be the person who is appalled, if someone is turned away because they were improperly dressed.  They might strive to set up a soup kitchen,  a health clinic, or a fix up a room where the homeless could rest and cleanup.

We might wonder for example, if John Wesley were an ENTJ.  He spent his whole life preaching the Gospel and molding the church to his method.  His journal is full of power encounter descriptions of the movement of the Holy Spirit in his ministry.  As a Verbalist, he persevered through every day, preaching several times a day and for days and year unceasing.

The creativity mode of the ENTJ has the transactional role of Follower in the lock position.  The corresponding ministry role is Servant of Evangelism.


The Follower is a very service oriented skill.  The mental capacities of  3 (Contrast) and 4 (Control) lend themselves to the behavior of following directions.  Nurses for example receive many hours of training.  This training includes primarily the memorizing of long list of do’s and don’ts.  The nurse’s job is to manipulate their body to act in accordance with these clear-cut instructions.  He or she gets the instructions from a Doctor or learn the movements in nursing school.

Trained musicians do the same thing.  However, many hours of repetitive actions, called practice, help them  perform the music on the printed page and follow the conductor’s wand.


The Servant of Evangelism is likewise a Follower. He or she has a desire to help others into the Kingdom of God.  They are concerned that others be brought to Christ.  But being Followers rather than Initiators and introverted rather than extroverted, they prefer to be of service to another.  They would rather play a supportive role.  They are the nurses in the field of evangelism rather than the doctors.

It may be difficult at first to see how these roles contain the hidden agenda for the ENTJ.  It hardly seems hidden at all.  I  think it is possible without stretching our example too far.  The ENTJ power evangelist may be able to find the humility to consider that he is, but the servant of the supreme evangelist, The Holy Spirit.  The preacher only presents the Gospel.  The Holy Spirit convicts the heart.

The Key portion of the Creativity mode of the ENTJ has the transactional role of Doer.  Its parallel Ministry Role is Minister in the Church.


The Doer role is one involving body output.  Doers professions including everything from athlete and related professions, such as dancer, to such jobs as farmer or shepherd.  Doers are most alert to signals from their own body which they act upon as they match them to their memories similar signal in the past.  The dancer knows what the right step feels like.  The farmer recognizes with his senses when the crop is ready for harvest.


The Ministry Role I have labeled Minister in the Church is a Doer role.  This might include anything from a member of the altar guild, who knows just the best way to polish the silver and clean the linens to the maintenance committee, who cares for the building.  It might include members of the hospitality committee, who always know how to make the coffee taste just right and decorate the hall in an attractive manner.

Let us return to our guess about John Wesley.  I think one key to Wesley’s ability to recuperate between preaching engagements was the physical activity required in transporting from one town to the next.  He rode horseback.  It was his time to regenerate his own spiritual batteries.  The frequent contact with his horse and hour by hour Doing responsibilities of its care provided him with the means to restore his mind for his arduous intellectual output.

Wesley spent most of his career outside the traditional church.  However, he never formally split with the Church of England.  Somehow that was a part of the key to his success.


The ENTJ should look for assistance in the following gifts of  the Spirit.  The gifts of discernment, apostle, wisdom, knowledge, and faith will be active in the Work mode.  However, these may be viewed or experienced more as natural talents than spiritual gifts. An attitude of humility and gratitude can enhance their spiritual effectiveness.  This will be true in the Play mode, but to a slightly lesser degree.  Here the ENTJ might anticipate an experience of the gifts of pastor, prophesy, exhortation, tongues, interpretation of tongues, and emotional healing.  In the more unconscious Challenge mode, the ENTJ may find the Lord moving in his life through the spiritual gifts of administration and service.  Lastly in the Creativity mode, and perhaps most importantly, the ENTJ may experience helps, mercy, hospitality, evangelism, and physical healing.  These will likely be viewed as the most Godly of the gifts.  Because of their unconscious nature the ENTJ will have to exercise greater will to accept them.

or a complete explanation of Personality Type see my discussion of How to Understand People  click here.

For more specific information on ENTJ click here

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