Not Against Jesus

Jesus say an interesting thing. Consider what it means to to be Not Against Jesus.

Jesus interestingly turns a common phase on its head. Yet, He also says the opposite.

It certainly looks like a contradiction. The explanation is in the context. In the first case the disciples are complaining about people who are doing miracles in Jesus’ name. Clearly it is a good thing. If someone is doing good in the name of Jesus, even if not “ordained” then that person is “for Jesus.”
In the second case someone who is clearly against Jesus, i.e. the Scribes, and Pharisees, are not for him!

We might compare Billy Graham and Joel Osteen. I find it hard to believe Osteen is really “for” the teaching of Jesus as e vide Ned by his lavish lifestyle.

It is possible to be rich and promote Jesus by caring for others. I like the examples of Dolly Parton and Jimmy Carter.

I also like the example given at the end of the movie Schindler’s list. The Jews he helped escape give him  present made from their gold fillings. As he gets in his car he says, “I could have sold the car!”




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