Not literal nor fanciful but true

Not literal nor fanciful but true

Some where in between the views
Of made up stories and history news
The tales we read in holy pages
Contain the wisdom of the ages
If we could learn to read it well
And learn the lessons that they tell

The tales of Adam, Eve and sons
Of how and when the world begun
Are true and true as they can be
Yet speak the more of you and me
Than perfect garden’s talking snakes
Or once upon a time mistakes

Or take Old Job the righteous man
With trouble raining on demand
Of Satan and his tempting voice
To cause the Lord to make the choice
To test the faithful one with pain
To see if his great faith maintains

The story is intensified
It must indeed be magnified
To make some point we need to learn
That life will happen, on us turn
Regardless of our faith or lack
So let us have our neighbor’s back

And Jonah in that whale’s inside
Who in life would choose to hide
Preposterous as a tale can be
No lessor if a story be
For news reports could not convey
The way a melodrama may

In many ways the Bible speaks
In Legend, song, with tongue in cheek
With apostolic Gospel views
It strives to tell us all Good News
And yet we fight and miss the point
With interpretations out of joint

God created it is good
Don’t kill your brother, understood?
Life happens to us all take care
So love your neighbor and be fair
God’s Kingdom isn’t there or here
It’s where His love still conquers fear

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