November 27 Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
I recently went through a season of irritability. Anything and everything would set me off. The big stuff might have been reasonably upsetting. There was a flood inside the house that ruined half the flooring. The plumber cost $836. The house was upside down while repairs were made. Then everything else was annoying: interruptions, traffic, you name it. It got so bad my wife suggested it might be from an interaction between medicines I take daily. It wasn’t.
Then I had the opportunity to attend a church conference. The worship was wonderful. Also I was able to lodge with my spiritual director. His listening ear helped me get to the bottom of a long unconscious problem. Just identifying the issue from the past released the emotions of the present. I was set free again to be at peace.
My standing firm was exercised by seeking counsel and knowing help was available. The Grace of God helped me have courage to dig into the problem with honesty. Forgiveness and direction restored my peace and gave me the freedom to move into the future.
How has God set you free?
Or perhaps what is holding you captive from receiving His freedom?
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