November 28. 1 Thessalonians 5:9
For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
On more than one occasion I got the following response to an invitation to come to church. “I wouldn’t dare. The roof might cave in!” light hearted no doubt. Yet it portrayed a feeling of concern over a life time of sin. Nothing I surmised to be a dreadful record of wrong. However, it was enough for the person to believe at some level they deserved the wrath of God.
On one Sunday, to stress the opposite I made a large, bigger than regular size, fly swatter. I ran about the congregation threatening to swat the members. All of course, to make the point this is not God’s attitude towards us.
Rather He loves us and pours out His Grace upon our lives. Jesus, fully God, and fully human came to live among us and die in our place. Indeed, many people find when they are at their lowest, weakest, and most guilty that God shows up to bless them!
How have you experienced God’s Grace?
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