November John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life….
In John 14:6 Jesus also says the He is “the way, the truth, and the life.
To say we believe in the Son is more the a verbal declaration. To truly believe is to act in accordance of the way Jesus taught us to live. In fact early Christians called themselves followers of The Way.
This is demonstrably more of a commitment than memorizing the four spiritual laws. Just yesterday I was speaking with my doctor. He had recently watched a documentary explaining the cruel methods used to execute the apostles. I suggested this to be a significant argument for the veracity of the Resurrection. No one would submit to such torture for a lie. They believed and counted on eternal life in the face of terrible but temporary death!
It should cause us to seriously consider what we mean when we confess to believing in Jesus.
How have we followed His way in the pursuit of His truth into His eternal life.
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