Our Instinct

Our Instinct

Our instinct tells us fight or flight
The one relies upon our might
The other rests upon our speed
They help us in our time of need

Yet there are times that put to test
What we assume must be the best
When reason says another way
Might in the longer run hold sway

To turn the other cheek instead
Or walk an extra mile ahead
Or passive stay to mark the place
Where force might lose and flight disgrace

Could foolish love perhaps prevail
Forgiveness be the Holy Grail
Could peace within withstand a blow
And would we risk it just to know

Jesus and Ghandi played that hand
And King did follow with his band
While all of them did pay the price
Their lives were worthy sacrifice

Oh what a challenge we can face
To choose the path of love to race
Head long into the powers that be
Hoping to gain or win or be 

For most of us the choice is small
No greater force constrains at all
Yet when life’s conflicts cross our path
The choice for love might still our wrath

Can instinct we then turn aside
Not fight nor flight nor try to hide
But greet the other face to face
And humbly there present our case  

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