Overcoming Fear with Faith

In troubled times like these how can we be Overcoming Fear with Faith? If it were easy we wouldn’t be asking the question. However, we can begin by understanding just what faith in God really is! 

Many people come to through the relatively simple step of asking Jesus to forgive their sins. You might object. “It wasn’t that simple!” Many people say the “sinners prayer” in a moment of deep desperation. However, this mostly has relevance for our past rather than our future. What do we do about tomorrows fear and troubles?

First, the real bottom line of Christian faith is believing God is in control. For me St. Paul has the most positive word in His letter to the Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good for those who trust the Lord.”  When can’t see or know in the moment how this can possibly be true. Yet, given time and looking back this truth will be revealed. 

The second strategy is to do our best in the present moment to make the next right decision. 

People in Recovery lean on the Serenity Prayer. 

 Mother Theresa of Calcutta used the  wisdom in Do it Anyway. This has more to do with the faith we need when our troubles have something to do with other people.

The third encouraging idea is simply the passage of time. When you have been successful in passing through fear, worry, and troubles it really does get easier. I know it is easier for me to say this at age 74 than it was at 47 or 27. However, take it from me and from elders you know. 

Fourth is the trite but true saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff and by the way it. Is all small stuff.”  Okay, there is big stuff. I know that too.  My first wife became chronically ill before our first year of marriage was over. They gave her three years. She lived 29! However, we had a great marriage in-spite of it. 

Fifth, be sure to stay connected to a church community. Have friends you trust, and mentors to guide you. 

Sixth, get involved as possible. Be a part of the solution. Prayerfully consider how God can use you to make a difference. Think small at first. Remember the mustard seed. In the Kingdom small beginnings often lead to big results. 

Seventh, ( and these are not in order of importance) pray daily! I had a parishioner who started her day with a simple prayer. “Surprise me today Lord!” Then pray through the day.

Eighth, cultivate an attitude of gratitude. When we can be thankful for every little detail around us the big stuff fades into the background. A flower here, a butterfly there, a rainbow, a sunset, a smile on your loved ones faces.

 Ninety, practice random acts of kindness. When we help others through troubled times our trouble can seem easier to handle.

Tenth, and last but not least be sure to attend worship each week. If you are in a sacramental church be sure to partake of communion. 

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