Poetry Introduction


I’ve been writing poetry since high school. I like the challenge of the rhythm and the rhyme. Here you will find many topics, from spirituality and morality, comments on culture or nature, observations of life, irony and humor, and hopefully some words of wisdom.


Poetry is an art form that has been around for centuries, and it still continues to captivate readers today. It can be a powerful tool of expression, allowing us to explore the depths of our emotions and experiences in a way that words alone cannot capture. Writing poetry requires creativity, discipline, and skill as one strives to craft an elegant tapestry of language that will move others. Reading poetry is equally rewarding, as we are invited into another person’s inner world through their unique use of metaphor and imagery. Whether you are writing or reading poetry, it can be a deeply enriching experience with long-lasting impacts on your life. Despite the many benefits of writing and reading poetry, it can be difficult to find the time or motivation to do so.

With our hectic lives, it can seem impossible to make space for something as seemingly frivolous as poetry. We often feel overwhelmed by all that we have on our plate and struggle to prioritize activities that don’t bring us immediate gratification.

But there are ways you can incorporate poetry into your life without having to sacrifice other important tasks. You could start a daily journaling practice where you write down your thoughts in poetic form; this will help you express yourself while also providing an outlet for stress relief. Or if you prefer reading poems, try setting aside just 10 minutes each day dedicated solely to enjoying some beautiful words from a poet’s pen. Poetry is an art form that has been around for centuries – take advantage of its power today!

So if you are looking for a way to express yourself, or just want to explore new worlds, I invite you to dive into this collection of my poems. Take your time and enjoy the journey—it’s sure to be memorable!

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