
Prayer can become an interest for many people in difficult times. Even now in what has been called a Post Christian Culture. As tragic events unfold on our screens people turn to prayer. Mass shootings, destructive weather or poor economic times each have a way of turning people to pray. 

For many it comes more or less instinctively. We talk to God as we would to another person. Of course some prayers are better than others. Yet the best way to begin is with what comes naturally, even if it is simply “Why?” Or “Help!”  A friend of mine likes to say prayer is simply “talking up.”

Conversely prayer, like any conversation, is also as simple, or as difficult as listening. The Bible tells us, it says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10.  To begin find a quite place and time. Sit in a comfortable quiet place and just breathe. Since it can be very difficult for us to do what seems so simple it often helps to say aloud or in our minds a simple prayer or meaningful verse of scripture. I like to use the ancient Jesus prayer. “Jesus Christ, God’s son, savior, have mercy on me a sinner.”  Many do not know this is the meaning of the Christian Fish Symbol. In Greek fish is Icthus. It is an acrostic for Iesus Christos Theos Uios Sodzo: Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior. I find it very helpful as a repetitive breathe prayer or mantra.

Some people find it difficult or wrong to share their anger or frustration with God. Once my late wife, whose was chronically is, was vomiting and yelling at God as though He was at the bottom of the toilet. Afterwards she was very remorseful. I told her, and believe it was a great prayer. There is a Broadway play called Your Arms are to Short to Box with God. It is so true. Jesus taught that God was like a Daddy; Abba in His Language. If so having a tantrum with God is similar to a two year old with His Daddy.

Over the centuries many if not all Christians have learned and memorized The Lord’s Prayer. 

Our Father (Daddy) who art in heaven.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses (debts)
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation (save us in the time of trial)
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever. Amen.

Christians have a concept called the Holy Trinity. We’ll not get into it in detail. However, it is basically that we believe the is only one God. Yet, we experience God in three ways: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Typically Christian thought is that we pray to the Father, though the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes our prayers are directed to one “person” of the Trinity at a time. The Lord’s Prayer is to the Father. 

In the Cursillo community there is a prayer to the Holy Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit, Fill the hearts of the faithful
Kindle in us the fire of your love
Send forth your Spirit
And you shall renew the face of the earth.

In the Kairos prison ministry program there is a prayer to Jesus

Jesus come join us on our journey
With this community in this environment
Teach us to love as you love us
And to give ourselves as you give yourself
That the Kingdom of God might be made present to all

I make a habit of praying these prayers as I lay down to sleep followed by repeating the Jesus prayer in the Greek.

Turning to the other e d of the day, it is good practice to have morning devotions (prayer). There was a woman in one of my. Churches whose morning prayer was “surprise me Lord.” I imagine she said more than this. Yet, it strikes me as an excellent way to begin the day. I Ike to first turn to the Bible app on my IPad for the scripture of the day. Ma y people use various Devotional guides. Most denominations have there own. For Episcopalians it’s Forward Day by Day. Methodist have Our Daily Bread. My late wife liked God Calling.

We ought also to cover appropriate topics for prayer beyond sharing just our feelings with God. People often use the word ACTS to remember to include all kinds of prayer.

A is for Adoration. As we draw closer to God and appreciate our many blessings we love Him more passionately and desire to tell Him. 

C is for Confession. The typical Episcopal “general” confession is to share with God what we have done and left undone towards Gos and our neighbor. It is of course more meaningful to add the specifics. 

T is for Thanksgiving. It often seem easier to ask for what we want more than to thank God for all the Blessings we already have. It is good to cultivate an ongoing Attitude of Gratitude.

S is for Supplication. That’s a fancy word for asking for what we need and want for others and ourselves.

St. Augustan is reported to have said, “Those who sing well, pray twice.”  There is a century long collection of Hymns we might prayerfully sing. Martin Luther’s A Mighty Fortress comes to mind. Many people are familiar with Amazing Grace and The Old Rugged Cross. 

You will find songs by me on this website. Composing and singing them is a major part of ,y prayer life.

There are thousands of prayers that have stood the test of time and changed many lives. The Serenity Prayer is one. 

The Prayer of St. Francis is another

Prayer need not, nor should not be limited to morning, evening, and Sunday church. St. Paul urged us to pray without ceasing. Short of that we can pray while doing other things. People pray while driving or at least act stop lights. I like to pray while taking a walk, or during g other physical activities. Most Christians like to pause before a meal to give thanks and add current supplications for family concerns. One might prayer for safe travel before a journey. Some say there will always be prayer in school as long as there are exams.

It is also very helpful to pray for the injured and ill. Often this is combined with laying on hands at the same time and or anointing with blessed oil. Francis McNutt has trained many to pray effectively for healing using what he called Soaking Prayer. That is, over time and for long duration.

I hope this has given a good survey of Christian Prayer. I be posting more in-depth regarding these topics in future articles.

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