
Reunions come reunion go
But memories do live on I know
For friendships with reunions grow
While we still here remain below

Fifty years may seem too long
Memorialized in this short song
But like a flash the years go by
While you grow old and so do I

Those were the days of Rock-N-Roll
At dances some still did the Stroll
Some went to war across the sea
While  others prayed for you and me

And so we gathered home once more
And even came from far off shore
We saw that some had changed a lot
While others seemingly did not

Reunions may yet come to be
In future years we may yet see
That some will come from near and far
By train, or plane, by bus or car

And if by chance or fate we miss
Still others will enjoy the bliss
To share those mem’ries fun and fond
And think of those who now are gone

Reunions come reunion go
But memories do live on I know
For friendships with reunions grow
While we still here remain below

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