Spiritual Growth


Spiritual Growth

9 But, beloved, we are convinced of better things regarding you, and things that [j]accompany salvation, even though we are speaking in this way. 10 For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, by having served and by still serving the [k]saints. 11 And we desire that each one of you demonstrate the same diligence [l]so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and endurance inherit the promises.  NASB

A major change in life can cause us to reevaluate many things. So it is for me at this time in my life. After a life long participation in one Christian Denomination I have switched to another. After 45 years as an Episcopal priest I am in my first days as a priest in The Charismatic Episcopal Church. 

It is not that my personal theology has changed. Rather I have come home to a place that more aligns with what I have believed all along. However, having made the change I have been blessed with a renewal of the Spirit in my Christian walk. 

The phrase from Revelation seems appropriate. I have been “returning to my first love,” The Spirit has been leading me back into the scriptures as I did in the early days on my ministry. I have set aside my NIV full of notes and underlining. In its place is a new NASB to help me read the Bible with fresh eyes. 

In addition the sermons of my new Bishop, The Right Rev. Charlse Jones are helping me see the world from a new perspective. His teachings regarding being “in Christ” have life changing for me. 

It seems strange to say these things at the ripe age of almost 75 after 45 years of ministry. This is the message I might pass on to you. 

It can be easy to fall into a normalcy in our faith and relationship with the Lord. It is not that we fall away or loose faith. Rather, while maturing in faith it may be some of the excitement and perhaps even gratitude and awe fall away. 

Perhaps, like me, you have been worn down or depressed through the seemingly endless conflicts in the culture and/or in your church. Perhaps instead you have just slipped into a routine and need a refreshing experience of a retreat or challenging program. 

On the other hand renewal may find you unexpectedly. In truth I wasn’t so much looking for something new as I was breaking loose from what was holding me down. I went out and found that I had come home. 

So if you find yourself in a spiritual rut, it is always possible to find yourself in a new period of spiritual growth. Perhaps, even reading this meditation may be a spark that the Spirit whispers to you, “return to your first love!”

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