
A lot to be thankful for

It’s easy to complain of things
From politics to bath tub rings
Those taxes as they pile up high
The price of gas up to the sky
The guy who cut you off today
Mosquitos who won’t stay away
The weeds that in your garden grow
Appointments who forget to show
The many many things that dare
Disturb your sleep or muss your hair

Yet life is better when we find
The many positive and kind
Occurrences that bring us joy
Like watching little girls and boys
So full of energy at play
Or marvel at the sky’s display
Of rainbows or a sunset scene
Or grass so soft or evergreens
Amidst a snowy winters chill
Or sliding down a covered hill

The sound of music on a stage
The written word up a page
A painting that your child has made
Or when they pass another grade
A kiss from lips you know so well
A hand to hold from one who tells
The world “I do” and meaning you
A bed to share a booth for two
The list goes on of things to praise
I’m sure that you could add a phrase

Yes it’s easy to complain
And even you might me disdain
But true it is that we will see
The things we seek in focus be
While those we do believe untrue
Will hardly ever come in view
So train your brain to see the light
More thankful things will come in sight
One last idea to you from me
Can’t buy the best in life it’s free 

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