Thanksgiving 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

As most who know me (and all my Facebook Friends) know I have always been an optimist. Aside from Denial (see my story click here) my best coping mechanism is humor. It helped me tremendously getting through my recent surgery and hospital stay. However, until this morning I could not remember one of my favorite optimist jokes.

The pessimist says “Things are so bad I can’t imagine how they could be worse!” The optimist replies, “Oh sure they could be a lot worse!”

As many of you also know I have become a great fan of Dr. Jordon B. Peterson. He says the basic realIty of life, what we know to be most true is that life has pain and suffering. In spite of this he too is an optimist. We find meaning in life by facing our pain and suffering in a forthright manner with love, truth, and responsibility.


This morning I find myself thinking of all the ways I am thankful today!

I am thankful for the Lord who brings me meaning in the midst of this suffering. I am thankful for my supportive family and all my friends for their care and prayers. I am thankful to the doctors, and other medical professionals who have provided excellent care. I am thankful for the best back brace ever! And walkers and canes and pain medicine! 

I am thankful for the inspiration to write Bible Studies during this convalescence and to my friend John who is helping with that project. I am grateful for the internet that allows me to research and play chess with folks all over the world. Likewise I appreciate my Australian friend and others who join me in playing the daily Wordle puzzle. 

I am thankful for our positive financial situation and Brenda’s business that provides sufficient income. I am thankful for our grandson Aiden who has helped with some of the physical things I am not currently able to do. Let me not forget our pets, two Papillons and our new German Shepherd puppy who is a joy to watch grow. Plus the amazement I have at Brenda’s ability to train all three with great tricks. 

I am thankful for the growing positive relationship with my step son Ethan; for the opportunity to celebrate his wedding; for the way he has grown in character, for renewing my interest in chess, and for his desire to return to our plan from years ago to share rings as a symbol of our relationship. I ordered them this week. Ethan I am proud of you.

Excuse me for waxing into the political but I am also grateful for The Daily Wire and all it’s efforts to confront Woke Culture, with great news, commentary, programming  and the best razor (Jeremy’s) money can buy. 

I am also thankful for Amazon and Kindle for an unending supply of good books to read and the technology that brings them to me in a flash. 

Also during this time I have been offered and accepted an opportunity to serve on the steering committee as Spiritual Director for Kairos prison ministry in North Eastern Arkansas. We look forward to providing a Weekend by next fall!

I am especially thankful for a speedy recovery that will allow us to travel to our future home in Arkansas for Thanksgiving week! Plus Brett and his crew that built us the best house ever!

So this is my update for today and I hope it inspires you just a little to consider all the things you too can give thanks


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