The Cat Saga

The Cat Saga is the name of the epic poem. Hope you never have such a problem!

There was a noise within our wall

From right behind the shower stall

Twas not a mouse nor even rat

My Fod did we just hear a cat

Oh what to do I do not know

For Anti-Pest it just might go

But on the weekend they’re away

And so the pest right here will stay

For crawling neath the house not me

So come the night may kitty be

Within the wall and snuggled tight

At least till Monday out of sight

Animal control made it look so easy

A live trap no need for queasy

A can of Friskies tuna delight

And momma cat caught without a fight

Then next you know two kitties there

Oh no momma what you doin there

Scoop with a net-grab and both soon caught

Kitties are captured with narry a thought

And so off they go and our home set free

From meowing disrupting our sweet harmony

Last night a mewing in the wall

Oh no another after all

Into the night we crawled about

My wife was urging with a shout

Don’t let it die poor little thing 

So rip apart repairs and sing

Here kitty oh kitty please

And there I am on back to squeeze

Beneath the house flashlight ahead

Here’s milk oh kitty here I said

But no it would not venture free

So left it hoping morning glee

And animal control came back

And set a trap a kitty shack

Then later much to our chagrin

We caught a full grown cat within

Well done we thought it’s over now

But no again Oh holy cow

There are still kittens in the floor

We pray the trap will close the door 

Friday left the trap outside

In hopes to catch the cat inside

But kitty would not show her face

But stayed inside her hiding place

But then our son came by to help

Crawled under after tiny whelp

And found not one but two were there

Within the wall their tinny lair

Meanwhile the heavens poured down rain

To make the task a wet refrain

Of mews and meows and curse words too

You’d think the sky was really blue

At last now safe within a cage

Two kittens wait to disengage

The pound is closed the weekend long

For now our kittens won’t be gone

Unless perhaps just one will stay

Named ‘trouble’ to remind us of the days

She hid beneath the floor and cried

Until we brought her safe inside 

Twas not easy to say goodbye

They were so cute the reason why

But birds and dogs and cats don’t mix

So soon we’d be in such a fix

The better choice to let them go

And hope some other home they’ll know

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