The faithful remnant and the coming revival

The faithful remnant and the coming revival

The Remnant

Today I lead worship for a faithful remnant of a dying congregation. There were 17 in attendance in a worship space that could hold at least 100, maybe 150. The youngest were about 55; the oldest early 80s. Most recent extra services have been funerals. 

I admire their dogged faithfulness. Half came early for Sunday School and participated thoughtfully. They welcomed me with genuine hospitality. Sadly this was not a new experience for me. My first position out of seminary was in a congregation that was the result of the merging of three congregations. They struggled there for another few years and merged yet again. 

My History

From there I went to another dwindling church. They hung in for a few decades before converting the ministry into a halfway house with a shared priest on weekends. My next placement continued a few years. Their building was eventually purchased and is now a thriving Pentecostal church. There are more and more stories just like mine. 

No longer a Christian Nation

The truth is, I guess, the United States is well into becoming a post Christian nation. There are, of course, many Mega Churches with thousands of members. However, as a whole Mainline Denominations have been dwindling for decades. 

It seems to me cultural shifts are the main cause. Many churches have been unable or perhaps somewhat unwilling to connect with new residents when turnovers in the neighborhoods occur. Also the decline in “Blues Laws” helped create the possibility for competing activities on Sundays. Children and their parents were drawn away from Sunday School to soccer games. 

At the same time the Mainline Churches became more and more advocates for cultural changes. They were more influenced by the culture than visa versa. It began with the sexual revolution and moved to celebrating Pride Month, Drag Queen Story Hour, and is currently challenged by Critical Race Theory.

Meanwhile, the need for the Gospel message grows everyday. Rates of depression and suicide are up. City streets see crime escalating. Drug use is killing all ages. Etc. etc. 

Time for Revival


The Good News is historically faith in Jesus actually springs forth in times like these! There are signs of revival beginning to show. There are places where a coach baptized 300 in one day. There is a university in Tennessee where revival broke out for weeks. People like Jordon Peterson are drawing crowds of mostly young men responding to a message of hope and responsibility. 

Ship Wreck

As a pastor I think about the Movie, The Poseidon adventure. When the ship turns upside down a pastor remains with the majority of weak and elderly. The hero leads a small group through the upside down ship towards rescue. Perhaps for whatever reason the old yet faithful will remain behind merging from one church to another. The few will find their way to join the revival. Jesus loves us all. 

If you are seeking a spiritual renewal, now is the time. There are people and places where the faith is still being shared. If you don’t yet believe or don’t know what to do, prayer is the first and easiest way to begin. A friend of mine likes to say “prayer is just talking up.” Even if you don’t yet believe pretend you do and talk to God. Try it for forty days. It works! Also, look around. If you ask God for help a Christian will cross your path!

As for me, whenever I can I visit prison. Jesus told us to do that. I have found many dedicated mature Christian’s there! Meanwhile I still visit the upside down ships to encourage and hopefully inspire the faithful.

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