The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit is an image St. Paul uses this image from everyday life. We all can relate to the idea of forest, good

Looking and taste food!

In English we really only have the one word. The New Testament, common Greek helps us understand Love in this context. It’s not sexual Eros. It’s not brotherly Philips. It’s not cerebral mind love. It is Agape!

Wikipedia defines it

Fn Christianity, agape from Ancient Greek ἀγάπη (agápē)) is “the highest form of love, charity” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”

In purely human terms it is love without expectations.

Joy is significantly different from momentary happiness. It is a feeling of wonder at life and creation. It is a positive attitude. It permeates our being.

This is what Lee Buck called a Nutshell testimony.

In a preamble to my Darkest Hour, I sat alone McDonald’s. I thought to myself I could be in a McDonald’s anywhere and be just as miserable. Later that night, I had a miserable experience which led me to faith the next morning I was at McDonald’s for breakfast I thought, I could be this full of joy and any McDonald’s. The power of my experience as for the most part help me keep that attitude of joy.

Peace that passes understanding is the calm assurance God gives us in spite of surrounding circumstances. It comes from a life of prayer, and faithfulness. It comes through the prayers of others. It comes as a gift.


My late wife Lily suffered for 29 long years with chronic illness. It certainly would try her patience. Someone gave her a suggestion the helped her tremendously. She took a big Manila envelope and wrote on it Gods Business! Then when trouble tried her patience she would write a note about it and put it in the envelope.

We were both fans of random acts of kindness. Lily would often compliment women in the store regarding their appearance or the good behavior of their children. She would say. “When it takes so little to make someone ’s day we should do it.”

Dr. Jordon Peterson is known for his good advice and rules for licking. Two of the most important are Aim at a high goal, and don’t compare yourself to others. Instead strive to be just a little bit better person tomorrow than you are today.

Little more need be said than in the slide. Helen Keller said that she longed to do great and meaningful things yet strived to do the small things as it they were great and meaningful. She was correct because they are.






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