The Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan: This is one of the more challenging parables.

It is helpful to k ow the geography. The road in question ran from Jerusalem to Jericho. Many of the religious leaders lived in Jericho. This is why they would both be traveling this way. Going ho e for some time off from their duties at the temple. Certainly they were cold hearted. However, their other consideration was ritual purity. If they helped the victim they would become unclean and need a long period of time and rituals to be able to return to their duties.

The Samaritan, by contrast, was not only an outcast but considered to belong to a false version of worship.

We can relate to the dangerous road. I imagine you have, as I have, wondered if a broken down car on the side of the road is just a decoy for trouble.

I have had food help from good neighbors and friends. Karl was my best neighbor ever. One day I was trying to deal with a flat tire on our truck without success. If I remember correctly it was a Sunday afternoon. Karl saw me struggling from next door an came to my aid. He no only helped me get it off, he also drove me to a place he knew would be open to get it fixed. Then back again to use his younger self to put it back on.

Years before that we were financially over extended and in need of help. Don was a financial guy and with resources. He took one look at our finances and knew we were drowning. He helped us set up a budget and loaned us $25,000 on the line of credit he had on his lake house!

Marty is a good friend. I like to quote the Disney movie and say I never had a friend like him. He helped me move among other things.

As an Eagle Scout I strive to do a good turn daily.  Also I know that my former parishioners who are farmers are always ready to assist each other in times of need.

Sometimes the need is money. There are lots, actually tons of requests out there for help. How do we choose what and when to give. I believe the best way is discernment through prayer. If I am drwan to a particular cause I will. I am more than happier to contribute to the Kairos prison ministry as it is a passion for me.

Homelessness and poverty are critical issues in our country. We all see it everyday. There are many small and big ways to help.

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