The Lord’s Prayer


There have been many books, commentaries, and explanations of The Lord’s Prayer. However, I still think it may be worthwhile to give you my understanding.

Our: not my, not yours, not theirs. God is for everyone. 

Father: in the Aramaic it is Abba. The English equivalent is Dad, or Daddy. I had a friend in High School who always called his father, Father. I thought it was so formal and so sad. For me and my siblings our father was always Dad, or Daddy! 

So far we have Daddy of all…

Who art: He is. I know of no atheist in Jesus’ culture. He is God and He is.

In Heaven: we all used to think this was some place up in the sky. Of course with modern science this idea is silly at best. I like to think of heaven as an alternative universe as portrayed by science fiction shows like Star Trek. We believe by faith there is such a place regardless of not knowing exactly where or how.

Hollowed : it’s just old English for holy. We might just as well say sacred. It is awe inspiring and worthy of worship.

So far we have : Daddy of all who is in heaven holy..

Be thy name: Names are important. They distinguish us from each other. The Hebrews believed God’s name was too holy to be even said. We know the name of God from the story of Moses and the burning bush. “I am who I am or will be” “Yahweh”

Thy Kingdom come: God’s kingdom os not so much a place as where ever He is honored and followed. He created everything everywhere. We are praying, asking for His will to be followed everywhere on earth and in heaven.

Daddy of all who is in heaven may your will, your kingdom rule everywhere

Give us: He is our source. All is His and all comes in some way from Him

This day: now, when we are praying.

Our daily bread: what we need, enough for today.  Notice it is not tomorrow’s bread, not next week or next year’s bread either. 

And forgive us: wipe the slate clean. 

Our trespasses, our sins: our individual sins and perhaps everyone’s sins. That is we are not praying selfishly for ourselves alone but for everyone.

As we forgive those who trespass, sin against us: As we forgive is perhaps the hardest part of the prayer. It is conditional. We are not scot free unless we let go of our unforgiveness!

So far :Daddy of all who is in heaven my your will, your kingdom rule everywhere. Give us what we need for today and forgive us as we forgive others…

And lead us not into temptation: I like the new translation that says Save us in the time of trial. He doesn’t lead us there. He saves us there.

But deliver us from evil

For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.  self explanatory.

Amen: So be it

Daddy of all who is in heaven may your will, your kingdom rule everywhere. Give us what we need for today and forgive us as we forgive others…save us in the time of trial and deliver us from evil because you are  worthy of everything.  So be it.


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