The true, good and beautiful 

The true, good and beautiful 


This post was inspired by a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Bishop Barron. If you have the time it’s worth watching. If one can agree The true, good and beautiful along with love and freedom are what are the highest pursuits you are really pointing to God himself!

Wrong Pursuit

They also pointed to power, pleasure, honor, and wealth as pursuits that can become addictive sins that block us from our spiritual quest of oneness with God. Bishop Baron contrasted them with the Beatitudes. It is not that these things are evil in themselves. 

There is a place for power, pleasure, honor, and wealth. Jesus tells us to seek them in the Way we follow Him. We seek first the Kingdom as treasures in heaven, the Joy of the Lord, and the power of knowing God’s love as we walk humbly with Him.

Personal example

All this sounds difficult. However, it reminds me of an experience I had as a recreation student I was required to take a course in stunts and tumbling. We recreation majors were required to take the class, and to take it with the physical education students. In general, they were a whole lot more coordinated than we were. They were definitely more coordinated than I was. We were graded according to our ability to do various stunts. We were required to at least get a C in the course. I was able to do so. However, I had lots of difficulty, especially with a handstand.

The professor got very frustrated with my inability. He kept on saying, “ It’s easy to do.” However, as I came to realize he really meant it is easy to do when you do it correctly. A handstand is a matter of balance more than a manner of strength. If you can get the balance right, you get the handstand right.

I believe this is also true when it comes to power, pleasure, honor, and wealth. When we seek the Lord and his love, truth, goodness, and beauty, we can rightly experience the rest. We can walk humbly with our God. It may not be easy to do but our life is easier when we do it His Way.


Dr. Peterson and Bishop Barron also pointed out a factor that can be helpful to us as we seek to follow Jesus. They suggest that it is best to be outward, focused, rather than focused on ourselves. Life is better lived and better experienced when we think about what God wants and what others need. Self-centeredness and self interest are what get us into trouble.


There are three prayers that I find helpful: The Lords prayer, the Kairos prayer and the Cursillio prayer. The first is a prayer to Father, that his will might be done. The second is a prayer to Jesus that we might know his will for us. The third is a prayer to the Holy Spirit that he might inspire us.

  • Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those trespass. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen
  • Jesus come join us on our journey as we seek Your will for this community in this environment. Teach us to love each other as you love us, to give ourselves as you gave yourself, that the Kingdom of God might be made present to all.   
  • Come Holy Spirit fill the hearts of your people and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and we shall be created and you shall renew the face of the earth.
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