The Upside Down 10

The Upside Down 10

The world has turned upside down
It’s inside out and turned around
The gaslight shaft is always found

Boys and men can now be girls
Wearing makeup growing curls
Steal their trophies wear their clothes

Millions cross the border free
Gangs are daylight robbing sprees
Crooks released no bail decree

Inflation grows and prices rise
But don’t believe your lying eyes
While planes are falling from the skys

Our cities burned and no one payed
Yet prayers and hymns make some afraid
As justice seem to be betrayed

Who knew that farting cows are bad
The farmers made to feel so sad
Their crops reduced more than a tad 

So carbon footprints must decline
Except for private jets sublime
For Tzars must all arrive on time

We think electric all the rage
Solar and wind power our age
Except on dark and quiet days

Although we said do not forget
It seems we have to our regret
Let hateful demons cast a net

Meanwhile the president is old
At least does all that he is told
We wonder who could be so bold?


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