There is no brain tumor

There is no brain tumor! After several years of declining hearing I finally decided to go to the ear doctor and get the wax cleared out of my ear. There actually was lots of wax. However, the doctor recommended a hearing exam. So I scheduled one. Sure enough the exam showed that I really needed a hearing aid for my left ear. It also showed one pitch that I couldn’t hear with my right ear.

The very next day while shopping for a birthday card for my wife, I had a phone call from the doctors office. They wanted to schedule an MRI for my brain to rule out something. Of course, my first thought was the big C cancer.

Later that day I went searching on Google to see what I could find connected to brain tumor and hearing loss. What I discovered was something called an acoustic neuroma. Upon further research it seem to me that I might have such a thing. This tumor is in the inner ear. It can affect not only hearing, but also facial muscles and balance. Since I have been having some balance issues for the past few years I thought, “Well this might be something.”

So thinking this was much better than cancer I let my worry less in a bit. The treatment for an acoustic neuroma comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large. If the tumor is small periodic MRIs or called for to monitor possible growth. If the tumor is medium they use what is called a cyber knife surgery. This is basically targeted radiation. If the tumor is large they cut a hole in your head and take it out.

Knowing I would need support to get through until I knew what I had or not I shared with a few people to get prayer support. My small group, my church people, my spiritual friend, and family of course. I did explain what I thought was probably an acoustic neuroma. I was also careful to say that at this point I was self diagnosing with the help of Google.

The following Wednesday I had the MRI. No I had had an MRI on my knee for my first knee surgery. That was no big deal so initially I was not too anxious. I didn’t even check the box that said I was claustrophobic – Wrong!

After and casing my head and a metal contraption to keep me still and placing a cover on top they did have a window to look out they put me headfirst into the MRI machine. They didn’t tell me how long this would take. It seem to take forever.

I did my best to keep calm with several strategies. I kept my eyes closed. I recited in my head my prayer mantra. I pictured in my mind eye sitting by calm water. I periodically told myself that if I bailed I would just have to start all over again. Meanwhile another part of my brain was screaming “ get me the F out of here!”

After what seemed like forever they pulled me out. I said “ thank God that’s over!” Wrong again. They are just taking me out so that they could put metallic dye in my bloodstream. They said it would only be another 15 minutes. It was difficult but I survived.

Thankfully I only had to wait one day to get the results. Meanwhile, these events prompted me to once again take up journaling. I made a new bucket list with 15 items. As we had just buried my father-in-law and decided to prep land our funeral arrangement, my wife and I struggled not to think too much about death!

Well not to keep you in suspense, the doctor said, “ The MRI showed nothing!”

I was glad I hadn’t enlisted 100 people to pray. I only have a few people to thank and only a few people who worried along with me. I was mostly glad that there are no more MRIs in my immediate future.


Other health issues.

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