There must be a simple answer

Life is full of Puzzles and often There must be a simple answer.  This is a story about a Nail Gun Puzzle. Several months ago we were in Home Depot when my wife got an impulse to buy a nail gun. We decided a battery powered to be the best choice. I’m a Ryobi fan. However man convinced us a DeWalt was a better choice. We brought it home with a couple of boxes nails. 

It sat on the back porch with some other tools waiting for an appropriate job. That day came when we were ready to install baseboards along with our floor remodel. Our grandson loves to use tools. Thus he got the job of using the gun. It wasn’t long before the few nails that came with the gun were used. We had purchased an additional box so we weren’t concerned. 

However, upon attempting to install the new nails we found they did not fit. They seemed to be too long even though they were 11/2” and the information with the gun said it would take this size. After much  trial and more error I decided to take it to Home Depot for help!I really wished I didn’t have to resort to this approach. “After all, the must be a simple answer!”

I headed straight for customer service where there were two men in the uniform orange aprons. I explained my problem. Although I expected and somewhat dreaded they would fix the problem in a flash they also were puzzled. This was obviously not their regular department. 

One walked away making it clear he had no ideas and no interest. The other, Patrick, eagerly took up the challenge. He tried all the various things I had already tried at home. He went t to the website and found nothing there either. 

Eventually he solved the riddle when he saw the number 23 in white upon a blue background! He asked what gauge these nails were? I hadn’t fought the whole box. However, I remembered it said 18.

“These are the wrong gauge,” he said. 

The isle for these nail guns was near. So I went over and found two boxes of 11/2” 23 gauge. Sure enough they fit!

I paid for nails and a new miter box, put them all in my basket with the gun and headed for my truck. As I placed my purchased in the truck I saw that I didn’t have the nails. Tracing my way back into the store I kept my head down hoping to find were they fell. I found them on the counter where I had left them!

As I drove home I thought that in a way I was on the right track all along as I thought there must be a simple answer.


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