Type Profiles: ENFJ

Type Profiles: ENFJ is my personality type. . You take a free type test by clicking the bold type. Be sure to read the other post in this category to fully understand the above diagram beginning with HOW TO UNDERSTAND PEOPLE  . 

Also be sure if you don’t read the to selectively read about levels of awareness.

To understand the transactional roles in the diagram above also read about Transactional Roles .

In summary, what is in the above diagram labels 1 Walter Lowen class WORK. is our most conscious activity. Those labled 2 are the next lower conscious activities. He call this PLAY. Those labeled  3 he calls CHALLENGE 4 are called Creativity.

This is Lowen’s significant contribution to Type theory. In this case, ENFG is only the most conscious of ACTIVITIES. However, we can better understand ourselves and others by recognizing how we do other things,

For example in my us of level 3, CHALLENGE I like to play tennis. However, it is a partly unconscious activity. When I would try to consciously improve  my game I just got worse.

Take time to consider these implications in your own life.

Click here for ENFJ ministry role.



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