Victory in Jesus


We have Victory in Jesus

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57

Victory in Jesus is the basis of the early church’s understanding of the saving work of the Lord at Calvary. They called him Christus Victor. “Christus Victor” is a Latin phrase that translates to “Christ the Victor” in English. It refers to the theological concept that through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ triumphed over sin, death, and the powers of evil, thus achieving victory for humanity.

Do you know the old hymn Victory in Jesus? It captures much of the meaning of Christus Victor.

Bishop Jones of the Cathedral of Christ the King  (Charismatic Episcopal Church in Selma AL) explains it this way. 

 Most of us battle with something. Maybe not now; maybe in the past; likely in the future. How good it is to know we have a Victorious Savior to aid us in these trials, battles, and difficulties of life! 

My late wife Lily suffered for 29 years with the ravages of illness. She suffered with Muscular Dystrophy, scleroderma, migraines, and other related problems. Yet her faith in Jesus helped have a positive life. She was an excellent Bible teacher, a fervent prayer warrior, and lead a troupe of Christian Clowns. 

With the aid of Christus Victor you too can overcome your trials in life. It could be, like Lily a fight against . It could be overcoming addiction. Perhaps you are battling unemployment or depression, despair, or any other battle. Jesus can be your victory!

Our culture is promoting a world view dominated by a Victim Victimizer world view. However, you need not be a victim since you are a precious child of God. He has given us a Savior, Jesus Christ the Christus Victor for us all!

Let us all put our faith in Jesus and put our hopes in the hands of the Faith of Jesus. He will help us overcome all our battles.

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