Why Prison Ministry?

Why Prison Ministry? The question is often asked. Here are some short answers.

1 Jesus told us to.

2 80% will get out and society will be better if they are better people.

3 We have the testimony of those who have been effected by the ministry.

4 We see the commitment of participants. 

5 We have been once and now desire to go back.

6 Prison ministry changes us too.

7 There are many different ways to serve.

1  I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:36

2 Yes, there are “Lifers” who only rarely get released. It may be many years for others, as many as 30 or 40. However, a goodly number will be out in 5 or 10. These days budgets are tight and there are fewer educational advantages. Even these don’t couldn’t for much. As one Warden said without real personal change eduction only gives you a more informed criminal.

3 Follow the links to the Kairos section of this website to see videos of how some have indeed been transformed by the Agape love of God.

4 Talk with someone who has volunteered as an “inside” team member for a Kairos weekend. They will tell you how positively they personally have been effected by the experience. The presence of the Holy Spirit can be palpable. The many small miracles and “God incidences are moving to say the least. 

5 The guys in prison call us “The ones who come back.” That is a testimony to them of the love and care that continues. When you take a realistic assessment of all that is required in time and effort and expense it is a wonder anyone returns. Yet we do!

6 At one of the closing services of a Kairos weekend one of the participants said, “We are no different than you. We just made one mistake too many and here we are.”  While you might question the reality of that statement for all the incarcerated it still rings true. Personally I think of some situations in my college days that could have easily turned into a car wreck and a dead civilian! Knowing that,m admitting that changes now I look at the world.

7 I’ve written here mostly about those of us who go inside. However, many more volunteers are needed for the outside team. One of the ways we show our love is by providing home cooked meals for the event. It’s hard to imagine what a big deal this is. For example, they may have a piece of fruit on Christmas.  It takes a big team to purchase, organize, prepare and cook, and deliver these meals. 

Another food item is Cookies. Kairos distributes 10,000 dozen cookies as weekend! Watch the video “Cookies Save Lives,”  

Then we also need people to pray. Every single minute of the weekend is prayed for. A paper chain with links for each minute is hung around the room. On each line is the name of the person who is praying.

Another token of “Agape” are letters and posters and children’s art. The latter is often the most effective in touching the hearts of hardened men.

Last but not least it take about $10,000 to pay the expenses for a weekend.

Also there are Kairos communities inside women’s prisons! Furthermore there is Kairos Outside. This program ministers to the women in the lives of incarcerated men; their mothers, wives, grown daughters and significant others. 

AND there is Torch a program for incarcerated youth.

So Why Prison Ministry? Because the Lord needs you to help save His people!

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