Why wear a cross?

Why wear a cross?

Christian’s typically wear a cross. Even non Christians will often wear one as well. I suppose the later like it as a piece of Jewelry. Perhaps some as a sort of Good Luck charm. Some. Ay go so far as to use it as a way of mocking Christians. 

Christians usually wear a cross for one or several reasons. It can be a mark of identity for themselves. If this is the case the cross is usually relatively small and worn under clothes and out of site. It can be a visual prayer of protection against evil forces. For example in a tense situation I might even grab hold of my cross and pray.

A distinctive cross can be an invitation for others to have a conversation about faith. This might be like a sign for another Christian to initiate a sharing about their faith. Recently while waiting for my car to have an oil change I had such an experience. A man about my age approached me and initiated a conversation. We enjoyed a time of fellowship. He told me about a miraculous experience he had on his job.

Wearing a cross can also bring evangelistic opportunities. It indicates to others you are willing to share your faith. One thing can lead to another.  Before you know it you could be inviting them to come to church. 

I have a collection of crosses that I wear for different occasions or seasons. As I write it is the season of Lent. For these 6 weeks I wear a cross made of nails. It was made for me by a friend. So it serves a double purpose. It reminds me of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and it reminds me of my friendship.

I have crosses that were given to me for participation in various ministries. There is one from Our Lady of Guadeloupe in Pecos,  New Mexico. Another is the cross of the Cursillo. Another is from Kairos prison ministry. 

 My favorite cross I wear on most Sundays is a large silver and turquoise one. You can see it in the picture above the post. It has much sentimental value from the years I spent in Tucson Arizona. When my late wife and I moved to Tucson we took a vacation all around the Four Corners area of the southwest. We visited as many of the wonderful sites historic and geological as we could fit into two weeks of camping. All the time I looked everywhere for just the right cross in pawn shops and jewelry store. After looking at over a thousand I didn’t find the one that called to me. Then one day, back in Tucson I found it in an unlikely place. It was at a jewelry counter in SEARS in the mall!

You might take some time to consider the cross you wear ( or consider getting one) and meditate on what it means for you.

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