Working With Dreams

The are many different ways we can be Working With Dreams. Here are a few for you to try.

Write Them Down

First and most important it is important to right them down. Moreover, it is better to keep a Dream journal in a special book you keep beside your bed. She. We honor the dream process we get more cooperation from our unconscious and more benefit from dreaming.

Interact with the dream symbols and characters

Using what is called active imagination it is possible to have a conversation with you dream. Using your dream journal just begin to write as if you are speaking to parts of the dream. Then let your dream respond in writing.

Share Them 

Second it is helpful to share them with your significant other or trusted friend. You may find that what seems meaningless to you can be obvious to your spouse. Also the process of telling your dream out flesh out to story helping to remember.

Draw, paint, or some other medium

Honor the key symbol or symbols of you dream. You don’t need to be an expert artist. Just do the best you can. Even a simple pencil sketch is better than nothing. However, a fully executed painting could bring exceptional meaning for you.

Sculpture or other 3 demential material 

My favorite example is Richard Dreyfus’s character in the Close Encounters movie. He keep making clay representations of the mountain in his dream. Hobby Lobby or Michael’s sell easy to use modeling clay. Perhaps you could carve something in wood. 

Make a Collage 

We don’t get magazines anymore, but maybe you do. Cut out various picture and paste them onto poster board to tell the story of you dream 

Compose a Poem

Perhaps you can weave the dream story into poetry. Let your imagination play with the image in different ways. 

Act it out

Perhaps your dream is about traveling someplace or meeting someone. Why not do it if possible. Sometimes dreams are the calling of your life. I dreamed I would become a priest and I did. Maybe you dream you are a contestant on Americas Got Talent. Maybe your dream could lead you to participate in a local play production. Go to school or write a book.

If you find these suggestions helpful please share your experience in the comment section.

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