
In personality type theory Zig-Zag is related to making decisions. You may recall the Feeling and Thinking Functions are two ways of making decisions. Feeling wants to know what will be a good decision bringing harmonious results. Thinking wants to know what the right decision is using logic.

The Zig-Zag recognizes that we realy use all four Functions. Regardless of the subject at hand sensing is. Ended to gather specific concrete data. Intuition is need to see how the pieces fit together as a whole. Since the four Functions are often laid out with Sensing and Intuition above Feeling and Thinking a Zig-Zag pattern is obvious. 

There is a logical movement from gathering specific data to seeing how they fit together followed by what is good about deciding and this tempered by a realistic assessment of the logic result of what is decided.

This is a good observation. However, there is a kink in the works. It is called Dominance. When it comes to the 4 functions the 16 individual personality types have a definite preference. This Function is called our Dominate Function. It logically follows that the opposite Function will be the least used and therefore called the Inferior Function. The Function that use chosen next often after the Dominant is call the Auxiliary Function. As the name implies it acts to assist the Dominant Function. This leaves the remaining Function which for lack of a better term is simply call the Tertiary.

The major effect of this hierarchy of use creates a screwed form of Zig-Zag decision making. This is because each type is most likely to weight the process in relationship to their relative choices of Functions. See the chart below. 

It is helpful to be aware of this dynamic in our own type as well as in the significant others in our lives. 

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